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郭燕  张树航  李颖  张馨方  王广鹏 《园艺学报》2020,47(6):1033-1046
采用多功能图像分析法、冷冻切片法和指甲油印记法,对238份板栗品种(系)叶片的形态、解剖结构及气孔特征进行了观察测量,运用变异系数、主成分分析对33项指标进行了筛选,后运用隶属函数法进行抗旱性综合评价。结果表明:(1)238份板栗品种(系)33项指标中除上表皮角质层厚度、上表皮细胞宽度、第一层栅栏组织细胞密度、第一层栅栏组织细胞宽、下表皮细胞宽度和下表皮角质层厚等6项指标的变异系数小于10%,各品种系(间)差异较小外,其余27项指标的变异系数均大于10%,在各品种(系)间差异较大;经主成分分析从27项指标中筛选出10项作为238份板栗品种(系)抗旱性综合评价的典型指标。(2)利用隶属函数分析将238份品种(系)划分为4类:第Ⅰ类包括31个品种(系),平均隶属值为0.60 ~ 0.80,抗旱性极强;第Ⅱ类包括48个品种(系),平均隶属值为0.50 ~ 0.59,抗旱性强;第Ⅲ类包括84个品种(系),平均隶属值为0.30 ~ 0.49,抗旱性中;第Ⅳ类包括75个品种(系),平均隶属值为0.20 ~ 0.29,抗旱性弱。  相似文献   
研究基于硬叶兜兰(Paphiopedilum micranthum)表型变异,通过相关性、主成分以及聚类等分析,对9个硬叶兜兰野生居群的22个表型性状指标进行了调查研究,探究硬叶兜兰居群间及居群内表型多样性,为硬叶兜兰资源的进一步保护和利用奠定基础。结果表明:硬叶兜兰在居群间具有丰富的表型多样性,居群内变异较少。平均表型分化系数(Vst)为64%,居群间表型分化高于居群内表型分化。22个性状的平均变异系数(CV)范围为9.52% ~ 31.48%,9个居群平均变异系数为14.55% ~ 18.51%,在表型间差异显著,在居群间差异不显著。主成分分析表明,花纵径等花部性状和株高等营养性状是硬叶兜兰变异的主要因素。Pearson相关性分析表明,株高、中萼片长和花瓣长与大部分性状都呈现显著正相关;冠幅、叶片数等营养性状与海拔存在显著正相关性,而花横径、花纵径等生殖性状与海拔存在显著或极显著负相关性。聚类分析结果表明,9个居群可以聚类为3个类群,和硬叶兜兰地理分布距离一致。  相似文献   
中国李种质资源研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏潇  章秋平  刘威生 《园艺学报》2020,47(6):1203-1212
从李种质资源收集、不同栽培种起源关系、中国李不同栽培品种群间的演化关系以及资源鉴定评价等方面对近几十年来国内的研究工作进行了回顾,并针对李种质资源研究存在的问题提出了建议,以期为中国李种质资源评价、创新与利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   
对湖北省福寿螺(Pomacea canaliculata)分布地区进行了调查,并确认福寿螺在湖北省的北缘分布地区为宜昌市夷陵区黄柏河—远安县洋坪镇(凤凰村)—荆州市沙市区八岭山镇(童桥村)—潜江市渔洋镇(排湾村)—孝感市孝南区三汊河镇(龙岗村)—武汉市黄陂区前川街(下石村)—英山县红山镇(东汤河村)一线,纬度30°~31°,其中最北端分布地区为远安县洋坪镇,东经111°34′57.97″,北纬31°11′3.36″。湖北省福寿螺分布地区的立地条件均同时具备一定深度水体(深10 cm以上)和一定深度的淤泥(深10 cm以上),且可能覆盖度较高的水生植被更有利于福寿螺越冬。讨论了福寿螺对环境的适应能力和福寿螺北缘分布地区继续北移扩展的可能性问题。长江上游地区及湖南省福寿螺资源不仅增加湖北省福寿螺为害风险,而且增加湖北省福寿螺的防控压力。  相似文献   
为筛选出适宜永州地区早春大棚种植的甜瓜新品种,通过随机区组设计,对6个参试甜瓜品种进行比较。试验结果表明,脆禧表现为早熟,一品红、玉菇生育期与CK(雪峰蜜2号)接近,3个品种均表现高产,且商品性、口感、含糖量较优,因此认为脆禧、一品红、玉菇这3个品种适宜在湖南永州地区推广种植。  相似文献   
吴志强 《林产工业》2020,57(3):96-98
随着我国对环保的日益重视,以人造板为主要原料的板式家具适应绿色健康发展理念。介绍了板式家具主要材料以及板式家具主要原材料分类,分析了板式家具设计与制造中的减碳技术,为板式家具设计及制造企业能获得更好的社会和经济效益提供参考。  相似文献   
为了更加全面地了解产地对普洱生茶品质与化学成分的影响,本研究选取来自临沧市、普洱市、西双版纳州三大产区12个茶山(自然村)的普洱生茶样品,采用超高效液相色谱-四级杆-飞行时间质谱(UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS)对不同产地普洱生茶的非挥发性代谢物表型进行了研究。结果表明:不同产地普洱生茶的化学成分在含量上具有较大差异,且具有明显的产地特征。采用主成分分析,可以对来自西双版纳自治州(包括勐腊县、勐海县、景洪市)、普洱市、临沧市3个地级行政区的普洱生茶进行有效区分,也可以对来自普洱茶产区的东南、西南、西北3个区域的普洱生茶进行有效区分。进一步鉴定了普洱生茶中79种主要成分,并对其在12个茶山(自然村)的普洱生茶中的含量分布,以及与不同产地普洱生茶滋味品质的关系进行了分析。本研究表明,基于UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS的茶叶非挥发性化学成分轮廓可以作为普洱生茶产地判别的依据。  相似文献   
  1. The study of Argopecten purpuratus reproduction, post‐larval settlement, stock size, and population size structure and shell growth was undertaken in the 2000s in the Rinconada marine reserve (Chile) to evaluate the effectiveness of scallop recruitment and self‐sustainability.
  2. The results highlight strong seasonal and inter‐annual variations of environmental conditions and scallop gonadosomatic index, spat collection, benthic distribution, total abundance and population size structure.
  3. The Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were L = 120.12 mm and K = 0.9681; commercial size would be reached in about 17.2 months in the bay. Substrate availability, meteorological conditions, hydrodynamics and illegal harvesting explain spatial and temporal variations in scallop distribution and abundance.
  4. Recruitment strength depends on one main cohort from year to year. While recruitment made up 81% and 94% of total abundances in May 2002 and May 2003, respectively, there were no overall density‐dependent relationships between stock size and recruitment. Spawning asynchrony in the bay supports the hypothesis that multiple gamete releases form part of a reproductive strategy in response to environmental variability.
  5. The massive disappearance of large‐sized scallops during the study periods was direct evidence of overfishing owing to clandestine harvesting within the marine reserve. The failure of current legislation, strategies and policies for scallop conservation requires new regulations to restore scallop stock size, maintain its reproductive performance and limit illegal harvesting in the Rinconada.
  6. A scenario allowing harvesting regulated by stock‐dependent fishing quotas would more efficiently ensure stock recovery and self‐sustainability. The modalities of this new policy are discussed.
  1. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a circle hook ring on catch rates of target fish species and bycatch rates of sea turtles, elasmobranchs, and non‐commercial fish in a shallow‐set Italian swordfish longline fishery.
  2. Results were compared from 65 sets from six commercial fishing vessels totalling 50 800 hooks in which ringed and non‐ringed 16/0 circle hooks with a 10° offset were alternated along the length of the longline. In total, 464 individuals were caught in the 4 years of experiment, with swordfish (Xiphias gladius) comprising 83% of the total number of animals captured. Catch rates of targeted swordfish were significantly higher on ringed hooks (CPUEringed hooks = 8.465, CPUEnon‐ringed hooks = 6.654).
  3. Results indicate that ringed circle hooks captured significantly more small‐sized swordfish than non‐ringed circle hooks (27.7% vs. 19.5%, respectively).
  4. For species with sufficient sample sizes, the odds ratio (OR) of a capture was in favour of ringed hooks; significantly for swordfish (OR = 1.27 95%CI 1.04–1.57), and not significantly for bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) (OR = 1.50, 95%CI 0.68–3.42) nor for pelagic stingray (Pteroplatytrigon violacea) (OR = 1.13, 95%CI 0.54–2.36). All six loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) and three of the four blue sharks (Prionace glauca) were captured on ringed hooks, however, the small sample sizes prevented meaningful statistical analysis.
  5. In summary, results from this study suggest that the addition of a ring to 16/0 circle hooks confers higher catchability for small‐sized commercial swordfish, and does not significantly reduce catch rate of bycatch species and protected species in a Mediterranean shallow pelagic longline fishery.
  6. These findings should motivate fisheries managers to consider factors in addition to hook shape when aiming to promote sustainable fishing practices. The presence of a ring has the potential to negate some conservation benefits.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
  1. Aerial surveys have detected alarming declines in counts of harbour seals in several regions across Scotland.
  2. Demographic data and simple models were used to examine the recent decline in the numbers of harbour seals counted in one population within a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) on the east coast of Scotland. The models suggest that the continuation of current trends would result in the species effectively disappearing from this area within the next 20 years.
  3. While the cause of the decline is unknown, it must be reducing adult survival because the high rate of decline cannot be wholly accounted for by changes in other demographic parameters.
  4. Recovery of the population to the abundance recorded at the time the SAC was designated (2005) is likely to take at least 40 years, even if the cause of the decline is immediately identified and removed.
  5. The models suggest that partial removal of the cause can have only limited benefits to population recovery, and there are unlikely to be any long‐term benefits from introducing or reintroducing additional individuals while the underlying problem persists. Therefore, if the population of harbour seals in this area is to recover it is essential that the sources of the increased mortality are identified and measures are put in place to manage these.
Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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